
What is the purpose of a school?

Should a school’s success be measured solely, on the number of children passing exams with flying colours, or on the number of children getting through various entrance tests? Perhaps these were the success measures of the past, but we believe the future is different, and the purpose of a school is much larger.

Now Imagine....

A school that develops in children the intellectual capacity to be independent thinkers; a school where children can develop into creative individuals in an environment free from restrictions on thought; a school that enables children to appreciate diverse subjects from art, design and culture at one end, to science, engineering and mathematics at the other!

Now also imagine....

A school that develops children with a global mindset, children who are socially and environmentally aware, who are ethical in their approach, and are equipped with progressive life skills to propel them in their future endeavors. That is The Foundation!

The purpose of our existence

The Foundation does not exist to add one more school to the prevailing myriad. It exists to transform the way our future citizens are developed. Since the time of our founding in 2009, we have made every moment count towards building a strong foundation for children at all of our schools. The great progress made by our students, and the positive feedback from their parents has made our existence worthwhile.